Jacinta Fahy Photography

Image 3 by Jacinta Fahy

 Micheal Stewart, Coherlea, Corrandulla was the winner of the Willie Burke Memorial Cup for the Best Bullock any age except Continental. He was presented with his cup by Gerry Hoade (Tuam Mart). Also pictured is 2nd prize winner Mary Geraghty, Cloonkeely, Kilbannon, Tuam with her Grandchildren Cian Noone, Tuam and Niall Brady, Corofin.
 Micheal Stewart, Coherlea, Corrandulla was the winner of the Willie Burke Memorial Cup for the Best Bullock any age except Continental. He was presented with his cup by Gerry Hoade (Tuam Mart). Also pictured is 2nd prize winner Mary Geraghty, Cloonkeely, Kilbannon, Tuam with her Grandchildren Cian Noone, Tuam and Niall Brady, Corofin.

Micheal Stewart, Coherlea, Corrandulla was the winner of the Willie

Burke Memorial Cup for the Best Bullock any age except Continental. He was presented with his cup by Gerry Hoade (Tuam Mart). Also pictured is 2nd prize winner Mary Geraghty, Cloonkeely, Kilbannon, Tuam with her Grandchildren Cian Noone, Tuam and Niall Brady, Corofin.